HerpetologyHub News and Incoming Updates (Coming Soon!)
Play educational reptile games here! Currently I have a crossword / scavenger hunt, and a word search.
Benefits of Reptiles
Reptiles benefit our environment and help us tremendously. Learn More here
Fun Facts
Reptile Fun Facts are posted to Instagram and Facebook every Thursday. Take a look at all of the fun facts here, and get a sneak peak at next week's fun fact!
Ways to Help Reptiles
These are easy ways to help reptiles in your day to day life.
How you are Hurting Reptiles
These are some unfortunate ways you are probably hurting reptiles without knowing it. These are easy things to stop diong to helo yoru local reptiles.
Reptile Taxonomy
This is a collection of taxonomy of the order of reptilia. Ever wondered how related two species are or are just curious what defines a snake or a lizard? Look here!
Species Bios
This is an extensive collection of reptile bios that go into depths on various species of reptiles. Want to learn more about a specific species? Click Here!
This is a page of common myths and misconceptions about reptiles, their origins, and the true fact debunking.
Poisonous Vs. Venomous
This is a page over one of the most common reptile myths I see repeated.
Inspiration and credits
This is a huge thank you to these people who inspired and helped me create the beautiful website I have today.
Posters and Brochures
These are posters and brochures I designed for my local community.